Carrier Service:  How you connect with the outside world, sometimes called “Dial Tone.”  And as today’s communication is now greater than 50% data (think email / text) this connection to the Public Switched Network (phone company) also includes your data bandwidth, or Internet Service Provider (ISP).

To provide these services, Ravenhurst leverages what is referred to as a Master Agent environment, primarily partnering through TBI.  By leverage Master Agents, we can quote over forty carriers; thus, painting a picture of the carrier landscape.  But at the end of the day, the underlying “contractual agreement” is between you and the selected carrier.  We will then continue to help you manage not just those services, but the carrier also.

Why an independent carrier agent; and Bill Woodruff as that agent?

- Over 30 years of experience in telecom, and communication infrastructure 

- An end-user customer focus that has your concerns at heart, NOT the carriers.

- Ability to bring multiple carriers to the table while maintaining the same, knowledgeable “carrier interface” regardless of     carrier selection; including the ability to get comparative info on other carriers at any time. 

- Access to the same corporate level information, and support, that the direct channel has.  It’s just my support comes         through Carrier Channel Management (more stable) with an added layer of support from my Master Agent TBI. 

- The carrier pays me to take care of you with no other additional fee (unless it is a separate consulting engagement). 


total Solutions Approach

Because Ravenhurst works in all three critical areas of communication infrastructure, outside connectivity – inside connectivity – hardware on the desk -  our key asset to you is our ability to take a TOTAL solutions approach. We review all areas in which we potentially can save you money.  However, many of our customers just say they like "one throat to choke."

If we can assist with any of the above-mentioned services, please don’t hesitate to contact us!